By Zoya Varela
February 6, 2020
Planning A Branding Photoshoot A photoshoot for product branding is a styled photoshoot that has been intentionally planned to creatively show off a company’s brand in photographs that will be used in emails, blogs, videos, social media, for marketing, or a website. I believe doing the entire photoshoot from beginning to end in one session is best because the photos will be consistent and on point. This is also great because you will save lots of time by shooting, editing, and choosing which images to save all at once. I understand that the thought of doing a photoshoot can be quite intimidating, but with proper planning and preparation of the most important details you will have an amazing photoshoot that makes your product and brand stand out in a wonderful way. The Right Theme When it comes to the planning of a photoshoot, the theme is very important; it is what ties everything together. Without a theme, the photoshoot is nothing. That doesn’t mean the theme is something to worry about, quite the opposite actually. From what I’ve seen, people usually already know the theme they would like in a branding photoshoot; they just don’t realize that they know this. They think they have no idea what their photoshoot theme should be. However, what always works for me is to just think about everything I like without really focusing on trying to pick a theme. Then, I go online with those thoughts and look up some of the images that have come to my mind. Then, somehow, everything just manages to come together until I have the perfect theme for the photoshoot I’m working on. The Right Photographer Now that you’ve got the vision for your theme all figured out, it’s time to decide on a photographer for your branding photoshoot. The first step in the process of finding a photographer is to look into your budget. I would ask myself, how much can I afford to spend on a photographer? A good place to look for a photographer is Instagram because many of the photographers on Instagram are still trying to build up their portfolio. Therefore, they need images as much as you need them to do the images and can provide good photography for affordable prices. Of course, once you find a photographer in your budget, you will have to meet with that person, look at their previous work to be sure that you like the style of their pictures, and make sure you could see them bringing your product shots to life within the time frame specified. It is also important for you to get along with your photographer. Once the photoshoot process is going on, you and your photographer will be spending a bunch of time together making decisions about the best lifestyle shots for business to show off your brand. Sometimes you may disagree, but you must be able to work together to come up with a solution to any problematic situation within the photoshoot. The Right Location The location of a styled photoshoot is very important because it determines the type of model you should hire for your photoshoot, what type of makeup will be needed for your model, what the model should wear, how the model should pose, and which props will be needed for the background. To pick the right location for product shots of your brand, you want to be sure the place is meaningful. Do not just pick a location because it is close by and convenient for you. If you have a better idea in your mind that happens to be farther away or takes more work to get to, you should certainly try your best to shoot there. When looking for a good location for lifestyle shots for business, it is best to try to get as much natural light in as possible. This will make everything in your images brighter, better, and more realistic to those that view it. It is also a great idea to choose a location that is pretty quiet without many people or distractions around. This is because in crowded places full of people you will waste a bunch of time waiting for strangers to move out of a shot when they’re walking by and on their curious questions and stares. Not only that, but your model will have to deal with all those things too which could make him/her self-conscious and unable to pose for the photoshoot naturally. A great way to get a good location on a budget is by going with an Airbandb because there are so many high-class options of the best types of places with great lighting and views for a relatively low amount. Having a place like that could literally make your photoshoot a great success. The Right Model To find the model that is best for your photo shoot, you should remember that it isn’t about finding a professional model. Sometimes going for a professional model is the wrong way to go because they can tend to seem fake. Since these are product shots for your company, you want to make sure the target audience for your market sees themselves using your product whenever they view your branded images. This means you model has to have a genuine look that also looks good on film. Your model should also have tons of confidence in the way they walk, talk, and pose during the photoshoot. So, where do you get a model that has a nice, confident, authentic look for a good price? Well, there are lots of places you could try online, including Instagram. However, before you head to the Internet and social media, try contacting friends, family, and friends of friends and family. You may just find the perfect model right in the mix of people that seem ordinary to you in everyday life. Those who may seem ordinary to you could end up being extraordinary to your product and brand simply because they have that “look”. Once again, you want to meet with the model before the photo shoot to ensure everyone involved with this styled photoshoot for your product brand is on the same page with the same goal. You want to make sure you get along well with this model and that you will be able to work together to bring your product visions to life. If you work hard at choosing the right, genuine model with the right, genuine look, hair and makeup will not be that much trouble. It is best to always be prepared with a professional hair stylist and makeup artist on hand because they can do things to help make your photoshoot look better. However, you don’t want to stray too far away from the natural, genuine look of your model and a good professional hair and makeup artist will know just what to do to give your model a nice style without taking away from their natural beauty. By planning properly with a good theme, photographer, location, model, and stylist for your product branding photoshoot, I guarantee you will end up with images that your target audience will find charming and very attractive.